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NJA Vol.21 - Salem Deeds, No. 3


PAGE 578 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

Salem Deeds, No. 3.

1684-5 Feb. 9. Deed. John SURREDGE to Anthony PAGE, both of Alla-
wayes Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J., planters, for 110 acres, received from
his brother Wm. SURREDGE (supra, Salem Deeds, No. 2, p. 165). 1

1685 April 10. Do. Samuel HEDGE of Hedgefield, Salem Tenth,
W. J., Recorder, and wife Anna to John THOMSON of Elsenburgh, same
Tenth, carpenter, for 350 acres between Samuel NICHOLLSON and Samuel
Carpenter, part of the 2,000 a. tract, granted by John FENWICK November 30, 1676. 4

1684-5 March 16. Do. Joshua BARKSTEAD, now in Pennsilvania, to
Thomas HARRIS of Connecticut, for 450 acres in W. J., on Chohanzey
River, bought by grantor's brother of Major FENWICK in England and
taken up by grantor. 9

1684 25th d. 9th m. (Nov.). Power of attorney. Joshua BERKSTEAD of
Chohanzey to Jeames NEVILL, as agent for the settling or selling of 500
acres at Chohanzey. 12

1685 April 10. Deed. Samuel HEDGE of Hedgefield, Salem Tenth,
W. J., Recorder, to Nicholas DEMIRE of New York, merchant, for 1,000
acres near Chohanzey River, adjoining Griffith JONES and Wm. LAWRENCE,
granted by John FENWICK to Anthony PAGE April 4, 1676, and by him con-
veyed to present grantor February 10, 1684-5. 14

1685 April 10. Do. Nicholas DEMIRE of N. Y. City, merchant, to
Samuel HEDGE of Hedgefield, Salem Tenth, W. J., gentleman, for 500
acres next to the creek beyond Elsenburgh Fort, sold by Edward DUKE to
John KYMBALL January 6, 1675-6, and by said KYMBALL mortgaged to
present grantor June 20, 1675 (sic). 18

1680 Dec. 23. Do. Edward BRADWAY of Allowayes Creek, W. J.,
yeoman, and wife Mary to Richard WILKINSON of New Salem, labourer,
for 16 acres in New Salem, part of a 1,000 a. tract granted by John FENWICK
May 6, 1675. 22

1685 11th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Richard WILKINSON of Salem, W. J.,
planter, to James NEVILL of the same place, yeoman, and wife Creseda, for
"that part of the 16 acres, bought of Edward BRADWAY (see preceding),
which lies between that parcell of land, part of the aforemenconed 16
acres, lately purchased by Richard JOHNSON and the platacon of said
Nevill." 26

1685 June 9. Mortgage. Roger MILTON of Windham, Salem Tenth,
W. J., yeoman, to Joseph WHITE of Munmouth River alias Allowayes
Creek, yeoman, on 350 acres, part of Ann's Grove, lately bought by

PAGE 579 Salem Deeds, No. 3.

1685 Aug. 10. Lease. Henry JENJNGS of Allawayes Creek, Salem
Tenth, tailor, to Roger MILTON of Windham, same Tenth, yeoman, of one
pair of oxen for two years. 31

1684-5 Feb. 9. Deed. Marcas ELGAR of Middle Neck, Township of
New Salem, W. J., planter, to Dennis ffISHER of Munmouth River, ship
carpenter, and wife Susanna, for 500 acres in the uppermost bounds of
1,000 a. surveyed for John TEST at MunMouth R., on a little creek, run-
ning into Allawayes Cr., bought of Wm. MALSTER and wife Katherine Au-
gust 13, 1680. 33

1685 June 29. Lease. Roger MILTON of Windham, Salem Tenth,
W. J., yeoman, to John SURREDGE of Salem, planter, of 15 acres in Salem
Town between the Meetinghouse and Widow ABBOTT's plantation, lately
occupied by Edward LUMLEY. 37

1685 July 21. Do. Same to John PAINE of Salem Town, planter, of
16 acres there, adjoining Henry SALTER. 41

1684-5 Jan. 20. Deed. William WARNER of West Crewkerne Wood
in the Jurisdiction of Salem, W. J., yeoman, to Edward LUMLEY of Salem
Town, planter, and wife Alice, for 50 years, adjoining Edward CHAMPNEYS,
part of the 2,000 a. tract granted by John FENWICK to John ADAMS
and wife, who sold 500 a. thereof to Samuel CURTICE of Crewkerne Wood,
clothier, which then were bequeathed by said CURTICE to his son Samuel
and daughter Joane, wife of present grantor. 47

1685 Aug. 5. Do. Edward LUMLEY of Manneton, Salem Tenth,
W. J., planter, and wife Alice to Richard BUTCHER of New Salem, single
man, for the preceding 50 acres. 51

1681 Nov. 21. Do. Edmund WARNER of London, citizen and poul-
terer, to William TARRANT of Marlbouowgh, Co. of Wilks, yeoman, for 500
acres, to be taken out of the 10,000 a. tract granted to said WARNER in
Fenwick's Colony June 2, 1675. 55

1684-5 March 10. Do. William TARRANT (as above) to Edmund
GIBBON of Delaware River, merchant, for the preceding 500 acres. 59

1677 April 6. Do. Edward DUKE of Alsford, Co. of Kent, England,
gentleman, and Thomas DUKE of London, draper, to Edmund GIBBON,
late of Beneden, Co. of Kent, gent: now of New York, merchant, for
6,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony, W. J. 62

1679 April 21. Do. William MALSTER of Windham on Delaware R.,
W. J., gentleman, his wife Katherine and her sister, Frances BOWYER, late
of Iver, Co. of Bucks, England, spinster, to Wm. MILTON of New Salem,
W. J., yeoman, for 1,500 acres on Wick Creek, between Edward BRADWAY,
William JOHNSON and Munmouth River, part of 5,000 a., granted to them
by John FENWICK February 23, 1674-5. 67

1680 April 6. Assignment by Wm. MILTON to his brother Roger MILTON
of Marvill, Co. of Berks, fellmonger, of the preceding 1,500 a. 71

PAGE 580 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1683 June 14. Deed. Widow Elizabeth SMITH of the Parish of St.
Mary Mattfellon, alias White Chapple, Co. of Middlesex, to Benjamin
EAST of London, sugarbaker, for 300 acres on MunMouth R., alias Alla-
wayes Creek, about 5 miles from Salem Town, part of a 500 a. lot, grant-
ed to her by John FENWICK May 5, 1675. 73

1685 March 28. Do. Benjamin EAST of Philadelphia Co., Penna.,
merchant, and wife Hannah to Thomas GRAVES of said Co., yeoman, for
the preceding 300 acres. 81

10th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Power of attorney. Benjamin EAST of Phila-
delphia Co. to George HASELWOOD of Salem, W. J., to make over to
Thomas GRAVES the preceding 300 acres. 86

1688 May 1. Do. Joshua BARKSTEAD of Chohansey, planter, to Jeri-
myah BASSE, as agent to sell land at Chohansey. 87

1684-5 Jan. 20. Deed. Widow Margrett ELDERKIN of London to
Samuel JENJNGS of New Jersey, merchant, for 2,000 acres in Fenwick's
Colony, granted by John FENWICK to Thomas BEAKBANE of London, citi-
zen and clothworker, May 3, 1675, by him conveyed to Henry Barnes, of
London, dyer, April 19, 1679, who sold it, September 10, 1680, to Ed-
mund WARNER of London, poulterer, from whom present grantor derived
the land August 27, 1681. 89

1685 Aug. 10. Do. Samuel HEDGE of Hedgefield, Salem Tenth,
W. J., Recorder, and wife Anna to Roger MILTON of Windham, said
Tenth, yeoman, for 350 acres at the head of Locus Creek near Elsen-
burgh, called Anne's Grove, between Samuel NICHOLDSON, Kymball's
Point and John THOMSON. 99

1679 May 20. Do. Edward CHAMPNEYS of Mun Mouth R. alias Alla-
wayes Creek, Township of New Salem, Fenwick's Colony, W. J., joiner,
and wife Elizabeth to Barnard DEVONISH, late of the Parish of Great Bar-
tholomew, London, now of Blanford Grove, Township of New Salem,
barber surgeon, for 500 acres at the mouth of a creek (Parting Creek), run-
ning into Mun Mouth R. on the Eastside, part of 2,000 a. on the North-
side of Mun Mouth R., granted to Edward CHAMPNEYS and wife Priscilla
by John Fenwick June 7, 1675. 104

1681 June 20. Assignment by Bernard DEVONISH and wife Martha to
John DENN, turner, of the preceding 500 acres. 111

1686 Aug. 11. Deed. John ADAMS of Manneton Creek, Salem
Tenth, W. J., planter to Samuel BACON of Cesariae alias Chohanzey River,
said Tenth, yeoman, for 100 acres, adjoining Bacon's Adventure, on the
Northside of said river, and 5 a. more joining the first W. by N. 112

1686 April 14. Roger MILTON of Windham, Salem Tenth, W. J.,
yeoman, to Richard JOHNSON of Salem Town, carpenter, for 500 acres on
Allawayes Creek, part of the 1,500 a. tract, derived from his brother Wm.
MILTON April 6, 1680 (supra, p. 71). 116

PAGE 581 Salem Deeds, No. 3.

1685-6 2d 1st m. (March). Assignment by William SURRIDGE to
Benjamin ACTON of New Salem of "all the contents of the wthin Deed." 121

1686 Aug. 1. Deed. Roger MILTON of Allawayes Creek, Salem
Tenth, W. J., miller, to Thomas JOHNSON of Salem, carpenter, for 16 acres
in the Town of Salem between George GARRETT and John SMITH, part of
the 200 a. bought of Wm. Malster and wife Sept. 25, 1680. 122

1685 May 20. Do. Richard HANCOCK, late of Bromley near Bowe,
Co. of Middlesex, England, upholsterer, now of Allawayes Creek, W. J.,
yeoman, to George PROUOE of Allawayes Creek, cordwainer, and wife
Jane, for a house at Allawayes Creek and 300 acres near it. 125

1686 May 11. Do. Thomas GRAVES of Philadelphia Co., Penna.,
yeoman, to Henry JENJNGS of Salem Tenth, W. J., tailor, for 150 acres
on the Northside of Allawayes Creek, adjoining grantor, part of the 300 a.
lot, bought of Benjamin EAST (supra, p. 81). 131

1686 May 23. Do. Thomas GRAVES of Oxford, Penna., to Richard
WILKINSON of Salem Tenth, W. J., and wife Bridgett, for 150 acres on the
North West side of Allawayes Creek, adjoining Wm. PENTON and Henry
JENJNGS, part of the 300 a. lot (see preceding). 136

1686 Aug. 9. Power of Attorney. Thomas GRAVES to George
HASLEWOOD, to give possession to Henry JENJNGS and Richard WILKINSON of the
land bought by them (supra, pp. 131 and 136). 140

1686 Sept. 30. Assignment by William HALL and wife Elizabeth to
Frances and John ABBOTT of "the wthin menconed land, house, outhouses &c." 140

1686 May 1. Deed. Edward CHAMPNEYS of New Salem, W. J.,
joiner, to Thomas KENT of the same place, glover, and wife Ann for 50
acres along the line of Salem Townlots. 142

1686 1st d. 6th m. (Aug.). Articles of agreement. Isaac SMART, yeo-
man, with Edward GODWIN, turner, both of Middle Neck, W. J., for the
tenancy and use of some land, &c. 144

1686 May 29. Mortgage. Roger MILTON of Windham, Salem Tenth,
W. J., yeoman, to James NEVILL of Salem Town, planter, on 400 acres
near the mouth of Salem Creek, called Windham. 148

1686 Nov. 8. Appraisal, by order of Court, of the tract called
Windham, by Tho: WOODROOFFE, John THOMPSON, Isaac SMART and Samuel HEDGE, in
forteiture of mortgage procedings. 150

1686 Nov. 11. Deed. James NEVILL of Salem to Robert ASHTON and
Richard DARKIN, both of New Castle Co., Penna., yeomen, for the tract
called Windham (see above, p. 148). 151

1685 Aug. 12. Do. John NICHOLDS of Chohanzey, W. J., planter,
and wife Hannah to John BACON of the same place, planter, for 100 acres,
bought of John ADAMS and wife Elizabeth February 12, 1682-3. 155

PAGE 582 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1685 25th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Richard WILKINSON of New Salem,
labourer, to Richard JOHNSON of the same place, carpenter, for that part
of the 16 acre lot, bought of Edward BRADWAY (supra, p. 22), lying on the
N. W. side of a line drawn from the outermost bounds of grantee's 10 a.
lot by the highway leading from Salem Town to the Mill Creek. 159

1686 Nov. 10. Do. William ffLEETWOOD of Northampton River alias
Rancocus Cr., W. J., planter, by his attorney James NEVILL of Salem, W. J.,
planter, to William HEWS of Chittester, Penna., cooper, and wife
Deborah, for 110 acres, of which 10 a. at a point, on which is and islandof
pines, over against Powell's plantation; the other 100 a. on Ouldman's
Creek over agains grantee's new dwelling house; the whole part of 500
acres, bought by said FLEETWOOD of Wm. Penn, to be located in Salem Tenth. 163

1680-1 March 7. Do. Robert WADE of Vpland on Dellaware R.,
carpenter, to Nathaniel CHAMNEYS of Allawayes Creek, W. J., planter,
for 200 acres along said creek, part of a 500 a. lot granted to said WADE
by John Fenwick July 8, 1675. 166

1685 April 22. Assignment by Jobe NETTLESHIP, heir of Vicessimus
NETTLESHIP dec'd, to Robert HUTCHINSON of New Castle, of his right, title
&c. in and to all the land granted to his said deceased uncle (2,000 acres)
by John FENWICK. 169

1686-7 15th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Deed of partition between Marcus
ELGAR of Middle Neck, New Salem, W. J., and Isaac SMART, of the 450
acres bought by said ELGAR of Wm. MALSTER, E. and S. Windham, W.
Ann's Grove, N. Samuel CARPENTER, John THOMPSON and Andrew THOMPSON,
alias ELSENBURGH, of which he sold the Western half to said SMART. 171

1686-7 14th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Deed. Edward BRADWAY of Alla-
wayes Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, to Neill DANIELL of Stow
Creek, planter, for 125 acres on Stow alias Unknown Creek, part of the
1,000 a. tract bought of John EDRIDGE June 23, 1675. 173

1686 Nov. 1. Do. William LAWRENCE of Middle Town, East Jersey,
by his attorney James NEVILL of New Salem, planter, to Griffith JONES of
Philadelphia for 500 acres, adjoining Casparus HARMAN. 177

1686-7 Feb. 14. Do. Edward WADE of Mun Mouth alias Allowayes
Creek, yeoman, and wife Prudence, to Nathaniel CHAMPNEYS junior of the
same place, planter, for 100 acres, N. Nathl CHAMPNEYS senior. 182

1686-7 Feb. 14. Do. Nathaniel CHAMPNEYS of MunMouth R., planter,
to his eldest son Nathaniel, for 100 acres, as surveyed by John WORLIDGE,
Deputy Surveyor, December 23, 1685. 187

1684 April 8. Do. Samuel HEDGE of Hedgefield, W. J., gentleman,
and wife Anna to Joseph NORTH and Rowland ICK HOOKE of Manneton [see Book 5, pg. 458.]
Creek, W. J., planters, for 300 acres, to be called New Brook, on said
creek adjoining Marke REEVE and Thomas WATSON. 191

PAGE 583 Salem Deeds, No. 3.

1687 May 13. Do. Elizabeth and Mordicai GIBBONS, widow and son
of Richard GIBBONS, by their attorney John THROCKMORTON of Middle
Town, E. J., gentleman, to William PENTON of Allawayes Creek, W. J.,
yeoman, for 250 acres near Cesariae alias Chohanzey River, adjoining
Nicholas DEMIRE and Charles BAGLEY. 196

1687 June 13. Do. Margrett LACROY of Lacroy's Point, Salem Co.,
W. J., widow of Michael LACROY of said place, planter, to her children
Elizabeth, Anna and Mary LACROY, for 300 acres, called Lacroy's Point, ]
derived from her late husband. 201

1687 June 13. Do. Roger MILTON of New Salem Township, W. J.,
yeoman, to George DEACON of MunMouth R., Salem Tenth, W. J., yeo-
man, for 50 acres adjoining grantee's land, formerly bought of Wm.
MALSTER and Edward BRADWAY. 204

1687 May 13. Do. Elizabeth and Mordecaio GIBBONS, widow and
son of Richard GIBBONS, by their attorney, John THROCKMORTON of Middle
Town, E. J., to Charles BAGLEY of Cesariae alias Chohanzey River, Salem
Tenth, W. J., yeoman, for 250 acres, to be called Newport, adjoining
Wm. PENTON and Nicholas DEMIRE, the Northern half of 500 acres granted
to said Richard GIBBONS by John FENWICK Oct. 16, 1676. (See supra, p. 196). 209

1687 June 13. Do. Edward WADE of Allawayes Creek, Salem Co.,
planter, executor of Isabella, widow of William HANCOCK, and guardian
of her nephew John HANCOCK, to Benjamin NAPTON of Salem Town,
blacksmith, for a townlot in Salem of 16 acres between Wm. WILKINSON
and Robert ZANE, part of 500 a. bequeathed to said John by his aunt; in
exchange for 100 a. of marish, surveyed to said John HANCOCK. 214

1686-7 March 22. Do. Jeremiah BASSE, as attorney of Joshua BARKSTEAD
of Cesariae River alias Chohanzey, to Barnard HODGES of the same
place, planter, for 600 acres along said river and Burden's Creek, running
into it. 219

1687 Recorded July 19. Assignment by Benjamin BURDEN of the
Town of Munmouth, East Jersey, to William HUDSON, late of Mattinin-
cock, N. Y., of all his right, title, etc., in and to "ye Deed." 223

1686 Oct. 9. Deed of gift. Christopher SANDERS of Quiet titty,
Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, and wife Mary to their son-in-law Jonathan
BEERE, late of Burlington, and his wife, Mary, their daughter, for "All
that Tract of land wch wee now live on Quietitty" and "alsoo all other
our lands, houses, leases, cattle &c. &c." 224

1686 Oct. 9. Bond. Jonathan BEERE, late of Burlington, merchant,
to Christopher SAUNDERS and wife Mary, to build an addition to the
house lately occupied by Wm. COSIER, and provide for said SAUNDERS and wife. 226

PAGE 584 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1686 Nov. 8. Deed. John ADAMS of Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman,
alias gentleman, to Charles BAGLEY of Chohanzey, said Tenth, yeoman,
and wife Elizabeth, for 100 acres at Chohanzey in two lots: 90 and 10
acres, the latter on Chohanzey R. on the Southside of Samuel BACON. 229

1686-7 Feb. 23. Do. Richard WILKINSON of Salem Tenth, W. J.,
planter, and wife Bridgett to Henry JENJNGS of Allawayes Creek, said
Tenth, for 150 acres, bought of Thomas GRAVES May 29, 1686 (supra, p. 131). 233

1687 Aug. 8. Do. Roger MILTON of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, to
John BEETLE of Mun Mouth River, W. J., carpenter, for 200 acres at the
head of Cooper's Creek, adjoining George DEACON. 236

1687Aug. 8. Do. Marcuss ELLEGAR of Middle Neck near New
Salem, W. J., planter, to Tobias QUAINTON of Salem Town, planter, for
55 acres on the S. side of MunMouth R., part of the 1,450 a. tract bought
of Wm. MALSTER August 13, 1680. 240

1687 Aug. 8. Do. John TEST of Glocester Co., W. J., gentleman, by
his attorney William RUMSEY of Manneton Creek, W. J., yeoman, to
Tobias QUAINTON of Salem, planter, for 100 acres on Allawayes Creek, ad-
joining the preceding lot, bought of Marcus ELLEGAR. 244

1687 Nov. 26. Do. Roger MILTON of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co.,
yeoman, to Henry JENJNGS of the same place, tailor, for 350 acres between
Samuel NICHOLDSON and John THOMPSON, at the head of Locus Creek
near Elsenburgh, bought of Samuel HEDGE Aug. 10, 1685 (supra, p. 99). 248

1687 Nov. 26. Same to same, for 250 acres and a grist mill on Mun
Mouth River. 251

1686 9th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. John STANBANCK of Ouldman's
Creek, W. J., to William HUGHS of the same place, cooper, and wife
Deborah, for 150 acres on said creek, part of 300 acres granted to be laid
out in Salem Tenth by Wm. Penn August 22, 1683. 253

1687 Nov. 15. Assignment by Jonas SCOGIN of Salem Co., planter, on
behalf of his wife Annica ERICKSON, now Annica JOHNSON, to John ERICKSON
of Salem Co., yeoman, of "the wthin menconed Tract of Marish." 256

1687 Nov. 15. Do. by Hendrick YERIANSON of Salem Co., planter, to
John ERICKSON of said Co., yeoman, of the "wthin menconed 20 acres of marish." 257

1687 Dec. 2. Do. by William HUGHS and wife Deborah to George
HASLEWOOD of Salem Town, carpenter, for "the wthin granted 500 acres,
with special consent of said Deborah, wife of Wm. HUGHS of Chechester,
Chester Co." 258

PAGE 585 Salem Deeds, No. 3.

1687 April 15. Deed. Charles BAGLEY of Cesariae River, W. J.,
planter, to his son-in-law Thomas CRAVEN of the same place, planter, for
200 acres near the head of Allawayes Creek, adjoining John SMITH of
Grundel Hill. 259



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